Thursday, November 12, 2009

About The comforter's Center in Uganda

The purpose and the work of The Comforter’s Center is here summarized from the word “Comfort”


C: Christ-centered

The comforter’s center is a Christ centered ministry that is committed to the promotion and preservation of life. Jesus is the “way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) and came that we might have abundant and meaningful life (John 10:10). Jesus never took a life but instead gave His Life for us. Jesus taught that the enemy is all about death and looks for every opportunity “to steal, kill, and to destroy”(john 10:10). His destructive agenda extends to the womb.

O: Obedient
The comforter’s center is obedient to the command of Christ. Jesus said, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you” (John 20:21). The Father sent Jesus on a rescue mission to a dangerous place. We too must be wiling to rescue those in danger and in dangerous places including the womb.
Mother Teresa understood what it means to be on a rescue mission. She said, “Unborn children are among the poorest of the poor. They are so close to God. I see God in the eyes of every child-every unwanted child is welcomed by us …. You know, people worry all the time about innocent children being killed in wars, and they try to prevent this. But what hope is there in stopping it if mothers kill their own children? Every life is precious to God, whatever the circumstances.”

M. Mandate

The comforter’s center has a mandate to speak for those who have no voice. Proverbs 31:8 states, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” Children in the womb have no voice. They cannot speak up for themselves. They cannot say to an abortion-minded mother, “please let me live. Please do not harm me. Please do not allow me to be torn limb from limb.
God has always been concerned about the weak and vulnerable and at risk than any other members of society. If I am in danger, I can take steps to seek safety. I can move to a more secure home or neighborhood or community. However, if a child in the womb is in danger, it cannot move to a safer womb. We must therefore speak on behalf of the unborn.

F: Families:
The comforter’s center recognizes that families are important. Psalm 127:1 declares “unless the Lord builds the house, its builders’ labor in vain.” God loves the home so much that He is willing to roll up His Divine sleeves to help families build strong and safe and destroy the home. The comforter’s center helps families in crisis to seek God and to make choices that honor him.

O: Orientation
The comforter’s center offers orientation and guidance to those facing unplanned pregnancies. People in crisis can easily make wrong choices or turn in wrong directions. Young women with unplanned pregnancies are easily confused about what to do and where to turn. The comforter’s center exists to orient women towards life. When women come to the center, the staff embraces them with unconditional love and encouragement.
R: Rely
The comforter’s center relies on God to work through His people. Veronica and her staff cannot do their life-saving work alone. They need the cooperation and assistance of local Churches and individual Christians. We need resources to carry out rescue missions. We must hold the ropes for the comforter’s center even as those who helped Paul escape from Damascus held the ropes for him (See Acts 9:25)
T= Tell
The comforter’s center faithfully tells the story of God’s love to every person who walks through their doors. To date, more than 800 women and family members and friends of abortion-minded women have placed their faith in Christ because of the ministry of the comforter’s center. God is using The comforter’s center to help people find new life in Christ and babies in the womb to have an opportunity to live.

Contact us

By min-bus /tax
From The International Hospital Kampala In the corner with Red gate before Namuwongo stage
See: The Sign: The Comforter’s Center
P.O.BOX 35623 Kampala-Uganda

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